La résolution de conflit par la médiation
La Compétence Unique pour Gérer les Conflits
Par Grégoire Seigneur de Bast, Directeur, Médiateur, Négotiateur et enseignant à HEC.
- 246€Valable pendant 1 an
- Master Empathy concretely
- Be a TRUE listener
- Make proposal that has impact
- Build long lasting solution
- Learn the conflict traps
- Break the conflict spirale
- Avoid the manipulation technique
- Any many more...
- Get your BSI awarded Certification
Understand conflict
5 minutes
How to adapt to the situation?
Definition of conflict and mediation and their stages
I understand the dynamic model
The office - Universal Studios
Preparing the mediation
6 minutes
How to set the scene for the mediation?
I understand the pre-interview
21-day challenge
The good, the bad and the ugly - MGM
The mediation loop
7 minutes
How to manage the mediation interview?
I am able to use the mediation loop technique
21-day challenge
The "still face" experiment by Dr. Edward Tronick
The secret of offers
8 minutes
How to make impactful offers?
I understand the PASs-your-order(c) technique
21-day challenge
The rock - Buena Vista Pictures
The secret to discover interests
7 minutes
How to find the needs behind the words?
I understand the Empathic reformulation technique
21-day challenge
Inside out - Walt Disney Pictures - Pixar Animations Studios
The secret of Yes
5 minutes
How to make sure your agreement will be applied?
I understand the Formalise technique
21-day challenge
Game of Thrones - HBO
The secret of listening
7 minutes
How to listen actively?
I understand the FOCAL(c) technique
21-day challenge
The guy who listens by interrupting you - College Humor
The secret for preventing coonflict
9 minutes
How to reduce the risk of future conflicts?
I understand the signs of future conflicts
21-day challenge
The break up - Universal Pictures
The secret of cognitive biases
6 minutes
How to fight cognitive biases?
I understand the main cognitive biases and how to fight them
21-day challenge
The monkey challenge - Daniel J. Simons
The secret against deviant techniques
7 minutes
How to cope with deviant techniques?
I understand the RARES(c) technique
21-day challenge
Suits - Universal Content Productions