Notre vision
Notre mission
Nouvelles compétences | Nouveaux Leaders | Nouveau Monde
Nous pensons que le monde serait meilleur si nous et nos dirigeants maîtrisions mieux les compétences sociales, et que la bienveillance mène à la prospérité mutuelle.
C'est pourquoi nous proposons des Masterclasses qui dévoilent les secrets de ces compétences et vous permettent de les transformer en habitudes.
10 leçons pour vous transformer et changer le monde.
Dr. Stéphane Royer
The "Hidden" Secrets of Negotiation
Dr. Royer analyzed 400 years of negotiation studies and studied 40 different methods, combining his findings into a consolidated approach, validated by Science and a Doctorate validating his method as a value-generation and proven-success method.
As a result of his work, Dr. Royer has earned numerous accolades and awards.
In addition to his research, Dr. Royer is also a sought-after professor at prestigious institutions such as HEC Lausanne, Geneva, and IMD.
Grégoire Seigneur de Bast
Conflict Resolution through Mediation
Grégoire est expert et conférencier en gestion des conflits. Il enseigne également la gestion des conflits dans le cadre du programme de leadership exécutif d'HEC. Il a fait ses preuves depuis 15 ans dans la gestion de programmes et la résolution de conflits pour les entreprises.
Cpt. Michael Zeiler
Conquering Stress
Captain Zeiler is not only a Fireman who trained thousands of firemen for them to manage the worst situation, but also a Group Director with a recognised expertise in Stress Management. Learn from a master in Stress!
Pr George Kohlrieser
Unleash Potential as Secure Base Leader
George Kohlrieser’s expertise and insights are drawn from his rich professional career as a clinical psychologist and hostage negotiator. He is currently a Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the IMD business school in Lausanne. He is the author of the award-winning bestseller Hostage at The Table: How Leaders Can Overcome Conflict.
Dr. Cecile Van de Voorde
Empowered Leadership
Dr. Cécile Van de Voorde is a leadership mentor, mindfulness expert, and specialist in emotional intelligence with a rich international background as an award-winning scholar-activist, speaker, and strategist. Holding a doctorate in behavioral science and having spent 13 years as a professor and field researcher in the United States and around the globe, her deep insights into human dynamics bring a refreshing understanding of leadership development and transformative change to her work.